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We have summarized the frequently asked questions in inquiries. Please check before using.
General question
Can it be used for commercial purposes?
All sound sources can be used for commercial purposes (including secondary processing). However, please use the sound source itself as a part of the content, not as the content.
It is not possible to secondarily distribute or sell the sound source as it is in magazines or sites for the purpose of distributing the sound source.
Also, the sound source cannot be distributed as a product, sold, or recorded as a material for other apps.
Can it be used in school classes, etc.?
No problem.
Is it possible to distribute data using sound sources on CD, USB memory, etc.?
There is no problem if you provide it free of charge other than for sale .
Can it be used as BGM for SNS etc.?
There is no problem, but it cannot be used with an account for the purpose of accusation or a complaint account.
Please write the credit (or URL) as much as possible.
Can it be used for political activities?
It cannot be used for campaigns or for the purpose of criticizing a particular individual or group.
Can it be used for company web pages, etc.?
No problem.
Please write the credit (or URL) as much as possible.
Can I use it on Youtube?
No problem.
Please write the credit (or URL) as much as possible.
Can it be used outside of Japan?
No problem.
Can I redistribute it as a material on my site or blog?
Redistribution on the Internet is not permitted regardless of whether or not it has been processed.
Can it be used for adult content?
Not available.
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